Amaretto Cocoa Mix – Hostess Gift Idea

hot cocoa

Amaretto Cocoa Mix – Hostess Gift Idea

This yummy homemade amaretto cocoa is smooth and rich and a great way to say “thank you”.

This recipe can be used with any flavor of non-dairy powdered creamer


10 1/2 Cup Non-Fat Dry Milk
4 Cup Confectioner’s Sugar
2 – 8 oz. Jars of Amaretto Flavored Non-Dairy Powdered Creamer
3 1/2 Cup Chocolate Mix for Milk ( e. g. Nestle’s, Swiss Miss or other)
2 3/4 Cup Non-Dairy Powedered Creamer
1/2 teaspoon Salt


Mix all ingredient well

Place all ingredients in air tight container, jar, can or plastic bag.

Attach ribbon and recipe card.

Recipe to attach to Jar:

Combine 3 heaping tablespoons of cocoa mix into hot water or milk for delicious Amaretto Hot Chocolate.

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